Number of Terms: 1
Date(s) Elected or Appointed: Dec ’22
Term Expires: Dec ’26
G.W. Devon Pack was elected as the District 2 representative. An active member of the community, Devon previously served on the San Benito County Planning Commission, and is also currently acting as the Treasurer for the San Benito County Bar Association. Descended from a farming family with long time roots in the area, Devon received his bachelor's at Reed College, later receiving a Juris Doctor from Lewis and Clark Law School. More recently, Devon completed a Master's in History at San Jose State University, and is working at completing a Master's in Urban Planning. Most of his career has been as a paralegal, working in government positions, and working at community organizing and civic activism.
His goal is to ensure transparency, accountability, and a sound policy of openness and communication that ensures the continued operations of Hazel Hawkins Hospital.